Friday, June 22, 2007

Travel by an "Autorikshaw"

Auto rickshaw's have always been a part of life since childhood. The travel by it is always a memorable experience.
Going back to the golden days of school life we used to travel everyday to school upto around standard 6 by an auto. How , around 30 people were fit into that small miraculous thing is a surreal thing even to this day. It leads to a new concept and new ideas of equilibrium and gravitation not found by Newton or Edison :). Added to this the skill of the driver who was our "Auto uncle" was incomparable to any gifted person of any driving field. The talent of the driver to fit in the miniature thing into 10 feet roads was an amazing fact.
Its an interesting thing to consider that an autorikshaw is big for 2 and small for 3. Although its comfort zones aren' t that high, it provides the 'travel effect' of a Pushpakviman to a middle class person. Happened to travel by an auto quite a few times the first thing you see when you enter is the description of the autodriver attached as a note on one of the sides.
Most times travel was when I had to go out of station carrying luggage, for which, some space is allocated at the back of an auto. Hats off to the person who has designed it so compact with most needed provisions.
The next time you spot an auto to travel, never hesitate , for it gives one of the lasting experiences for your life :)