Friday, July 24, 2009


The Sun is usually in its full power reaching 100 Fahrenheit in the midst of summer. Coolers, umbrellas, sunblocks, sunscreens became part of life routine. The dazzling brightness of the afternoon sun just pierces through the eyes. In the midst one day in a sudden burst came a light, sweet drizzle... cooling everything with its sweet smile, filling the air with its beautiful fragrance. you could see the cheer on people's summer burnt faces. The roads wet and damp... wind blowing cool.... with a hot coffee mug in hand.. it was awesome. The trees enjoying the drizzle, leaves dancing with joy... wonderful sight to see.
Just like this drizzle in summer which cools down the burning heat.... small happinesses in people's lives makes them come out of their severe difficult conditions.
Hoping a drizzle of happiness to everyone who reads this ... :)


Having always been around with friends and people, being alone depresses me from within. But if it is the best option then nothing much can be done about it. A point of time comes in everyone's life where they feel even if everyone is around them, they feel the loneliness. Usually solitude helps you divert mind to various other things like gaming, reading novels, watching movies, and off course writing blog. (if you are thinking at this stage about my state of mind... may be u guessed right)
Every moment in life has a meaning associated with it. Every thing happens for a reason. I believe to take life in a strong way, whatever hurdles pass by.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Trip to Six Flags

The excitement started by getting up early in the morning, getting ready waiting outside my friends door hurrying them to get ready. Hurriedly packed foods and drink, all dressed up with caps and coolers caught the bus at the right time. Our journey consisted of bus, train, finally car with which we reached the entrance of Six flag. My friends R, his girl Friend A, RG, S and me sighted people around and wondering and imagining rides. In the excitement came a call to RG for an internship... :) . The moment we entered, RG and S were completely holding the map to different rides. The twists and turns , the heights and screams, the joy, the fun, the shouts filled the environment, increased the enthu. Meanwhile my friend R and his gf A busy by themselves we didnt disturb them much. One first thing which caught attention was a ride which fled through water so we decided to go on it. Drenched with water from top to bottom we continued to the next ride. Then the funny thing happened, me S and RG ended up sitting in one cube on a ride. S was reluctant to take off his cap and was very confident that it wouldnt fall off. The moment the ride started the cap flew which made me and RG to burst out to laughter. In the right moment R took a snap of us from other cube. Was fun to us but S was getting troubled with the loss of cap :D.
Catching up on other rides like Texas giant, Titan, superman and so on, we all had covered most of the rides. Our excitement did not die, only added each time. We had nice fries and made sure not to eat too much. I needed the most of the energy as I used to shout and scream in each and every ride. My throat died at the end :) , but was full fun.
The rides were nice and amazing.. gave us a lasting experience for a lifetime :)